Do you have something that you have mastered? Something you just always get right, every time? I used to cook (pre-baby) and I had "the company dish" that I made a dozen times and it always turned out. It was risotto, grilled sausage and string beans with lemon juice and olive oil. Anytime anyone came over, I made that.
I went through a brownie phase and a chocolate chip cookie phase. I must have made several hundred of those from scratch, perfecting my technique, timing, etc. to get the desired chewyness and chocolate-to-flour ratio.
While I make pasta sauce often, I still do not have a recipe that is "perfect" and so I vow that once I can eat tomatoes again (when these food restrictions of breastfeeding are finally over), I will quest to make THE bolognese sauce I have always wanted. There will be a great shaving of carrots, purchasing of veal and pork chops and shredding of pecorino, I tell you.
So, apparently my obsessive behavior with recipes is transferrable to knitting because I have one thing that I usually get right. Hats. I seem to be able to make hats without thinking, and without screwing up. Now nearly complete with my first Dulaan hat.