I have been getting gifts. Yay for birthdays. In addition to some marvelous knitting books (I can hardly describe the joy I've had reading these of late), I have received a lovely Yixing purple clay tea pot and teacups from my cousin Alice. They are so stylish, and the green tea that came with (rose silver needle!!!) the teaset is so fragrant and fabulous too.
Equally delightful--fancy chocolates from Paris. Ganache, you are so rich and tasty. You are so OOH LA LA and nearly gone. It wasn't me gorging. Can you believe it was DH? Yes, he ate most of it. He says he was doing it to help me out since I'm still nursing and the baby is sensitive to chocolate. Sure.
"The baby is sensitive to chocolate"? That must be awful! Great birthday gifts, however, and Happy Birthday!
Posted by: Elspeth | May 20, 2006 at 06:42 PM
Who's DH? Designated Hitter?
I'm not getting you anything food or knitting related. In fact (!) I've already gotten you something, but knowing you're going to be down here in July has made me lazy to ship it. =)
Posted by: Ken | May 20, 2006 at 10:31 PM
and hide the chocolates!!!!
man, what gorgeous packaging. wish i could come over for tea and chocolates! lol
Posted by: ObsidianKitten | May 24, 2006 at 01:33 PM