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January 10, 2007



Andy (the dh) always refers to my knitting events as "knit club" and when his friends say anything about it he says "You know the first rule of knit club. Don't talk about knit club".


That sleeve looks great. I've eyed the Quattro at the store before--glad to hear it's nice .


lol! I thought the same thing about size 8's. I've gotten so used to knitting on size 4 or smaller that the sweater I'm knitting for my mom seems to be flying off the needles.


I've been trying to comment over at the CPH KAL to tell you that your sweater looks great! (blogger not behaving). I love the color -- it's so cheery! Good luck with your finishing!!

Amanda Cathleen

great color!! I know what you mean about the needle size. When I first started knitting 9's where small, now they are huge!! *L*
LOVE your new stash additions

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