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March 18, 2007



Ahhhh, nothing like a nice pair of socks to console the aching knitting heart. Good luck with those fronts. Are they for CPH?


The socks look great! And remember when re-knitting something to recalculate the time/knit value - then the cost per stitch & hour of knitting goes waay down!


Oh so pretty! I love them. Did you have any trouble between skeins with gauge? Enquiring minds want to know!


The socks look great! The color is fantastic. Bummer you have to frog. Good luck.


Ouch! Sorry to hear about your knitting tragedy. But, the socks look great!!

amanda cathleen

nuts! I'm sorry to hear about your sweater fronts. That sucks. However, your socks look amazing! Colors are so rich


That stinks, but you are doing the right thing to take a break and go back to it later. The socks are so cheerful, love them!

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